How to change the name servers on a Yahoo!

By Ron Mervine,

you have a Yahoo! domain and you need to change the name servers of your domain. This can be for various reasons, such as changing your hosting provider.Yahoo! domains are managed by Melbourne IT.

  1. Step 1
    Go to: and login using your Yahoo! user name and password.
  2. Step 2
    Select 'Manage My Domains' from the top left of screen
  3. Step 3
    Then, select 'View Registry Key' towards the center of screen.
  4. Step 4
    At the bottom of the screen you are going to see the following:
    INWW Registry Key. This is the key you are going to need. write, print, or copy it to the computer.
  5. Step 5
    Go to Log into your account with your domain and the registry key you had earlier.
  6. Step 6
    Click on the control panel and go to 'Delegation Details'
  7. Step 7
    Here you can configure your name servers and you will be all finished. Congratulations! You now have your own name servers set!

Read more: How to change the name servers on a Yahoo! Domain |

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